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Joe Catapano

Welcome to Joe's page!  This where you can find more about your favorite bass player.  Don't fret; there is plenty of room for all fans.  There's autographs for everyone.-----Just Kidding-----There is probably no one that will ever even read this caption.  But for those who do, this probably means you are bored to all heck.  This is the site for anyone who feels your the average Joe.  Thats alright.  I am a  pretty shabby bass player, as well.  All I want to say in this caption, is that I am not here for the glory of the band or any person; I am here for the Glory of God the Father, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and salvation of Jesus Christ our savior, DaySPRING.


Joe Catapono(Ponyboy, 2nd stallion, lil shelby, ninjapirate, Vinny, JCat, Bushman, morte fame, and the Saved.

This is where I tell you about myself.  Well, there is not much to say.  I am a 5'7", blue eyed, black haired, single* italian-american guy that just loves being with friends, family, and God.  I am currently a Junior at Shelby County High, and still don't have a parking permit.  I am proficient at computer knowledge, and love to play video games.  Did I say I love MUSIC?  Yeah, that too.  I am a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, a life scout in the wonderful love/hate(ok, just hate) world of the Boy Scouts of America.  I am against the Bush Admin. and the stay in Iraq.  My friends are many and so is my family.  I also love, love to eat**.  Thanks for reading and looking at the high quality photos.  Spread God Out, Keep peace in. So, thanks again and peace in!!! 

*Reference to a nickname in the above caption: Morte Fame=eats to mortallity.


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Here I am playin' like a bass up in our crib.