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Tim Smith

Joe Catapano

Nick Yount

Drew Zoeller





The daySPRING Journal



Just finished constructing the guest book and Drew's page.  Anybody know why we only have one photo of Drew?  Maybe I should check with Joe.  When we practice on Saturday, we need to take a few more shots of him so that I don't go crazy staring at that one shot of Drew!  Anyway, our next gig is the 16th of May in Frankfort for a youth group.  It should be tons of fun.  Peace in!!




What up?  I just wanted to write in so that the Tim Man doesn't get on my back.  I'm glad to be in this band, for it does give you time to meet the chicks.  I want to know why Nick is so computer challenged, that he can't write his own bio.  I hope we'll have a good crowd in Frankfort, and even if we don't God is always listening for worship.  We were out at Ichthus last week, so to the right of this caption you will can see a shot of Tim Man, Zolla, and mesef.  Holla out to all Italians.  Oh, yeah, if anybody is coming to the Frankfort show, I will be appreciative if our fans could throw some 5th Avenue or 100Grand candy bars, so I will feel famous.  That would be predidgous!  I'm out.



OK, the time is coming. It's time to start getting excited about June 6. We are playing at THE CHURCH OF GOD at 7:00pm. I hope you all feel the same way I do about this. Drew, you need to get Hyped too, cause you are going to be playing with us. I will see you all soon.  









Hey, I just want to let everybody know the specifics about the next three places where daySPRING is going to play.  First is on Thursday, the 27. at the large gym in Shelby County High School.  We will be playing a few songs with our unofficial sponser, FCA.  Then, on the 5 of June, we will be rocking at a graduation party for the seniors of the Annunciation Church's youth ministry.  It will be held at Tim's neighbor's back 40 acres.  It will be an awesome time, so please contact us with the guestbook if you are looking to come.  Last, is the following day at the youth ministry in Frankfort that we told you about in the beginning of the month.  We think it will be a large crowd.  I hope we will see you there.  Peace in.




Hey everyone, I know it's been a long time since you have heard from anybody but, we are getting ready to play some more. Everyone is back from their trips and we are now "good to go". We are playing, once again at the CHURCH OF GOD. We had such a great show there and the people loved us so much they wanted us back for another round to the Holy Sprit through song. I hope everyone will come out and worship the lord. It is going to be at 7:00pm in Frankfort and the CHURCH OF GOD. I hope to see you all there.      -Nick



Hey the church of god rocked. I know I speak for all of us when I say We love you church of god. I hope every croud is as good and active as you in our carear. It makes us feel great when you get into our music

                                be cool, stay in school


Okay boyz and girlz, it looks like the new CD will be out sometime around December.  Just in time for Christmas!  What a nice Christmas gift idea, huh?  Anyway, appreciate your support and will update sight as soon as the CD is avaliable or we get the exact date.
